Events & Appearances

Select Past Engagements

December 12, 2019
A reading and book signing on the occasion of the re-publication of Sweet Mystery, at Read Herring Books in Montgomery, Alabama.
March 17, 2001
Panelist: Clarence Cason Writing Award Symposium on "The Art of Narrative," College of Communication, University of Alabama. My subject: "Personal Narrative in Journalism."
November 11, 2000
Southern Historical Association Conference, Panelist at Plenary Session on History and Memory.
April 27, 2000
Speaker: A Consortium of Editors of Professional Journals sponsored by the National Institutes of Mental Health.
November 15, 1990
Speaker, "Freelance writing and the Liberal Arts Major," Randolph Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, Virginia.
March 20, 1990
Speaker, "Writing Imaginative Nonfiction," writer-in-residence, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Amherst, Virginia.
October 24, 1989
Speaker, reading "Homecoming" chapter from work in progress, Sweet Mystery, plus discussion of "Telling History for a General Audience," writer-in-residence, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Amherst, Virginia.
August 3, 1987
Panelist and Moderator, "Teaching Writing as Coaching not Fixing," Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), principle speaker, Roy Peter Clark, associate director of the Poynter Institute.
August 3, 1987
Speaker and Panelist, "Walter Who?: Journalism Students and the Importance of Context," AEJMC.
Five-city book tour publicizing Be Somebody, the biography of Marguerite Rawalt, November and March, 1987; numerous talks concerning the history of the women's political movement made to women's organizations in the Washington area during 1986-87, among them the Washington Women's Political Forum (December), Federal Bar Association and Women's Bar of D. C. (May) D. C. Business and Professional Women's Organization (March), Washington Zonta Club.
Summer 1987
Visiting Lecturer Auburn University at Montgomery
September 12, 1986
Speaker and Panelist, "The Rhetoric of the Women's Pages," Conference on Culture and Communication, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.**
September 5, 1986
Speaker and Panelist, "The Politics of the Women's Pages," American Association of Journalism Historians, St.Louis.**
May 26, 1983
Speaker and Panelist, "Men and Abortion," Forum sponsored by the Free Men of Washington.
November 1980
Speaker, "Shifting Modes and Plural Vision: The Modernity of Thomas More's History of King Richard III," Early Studies Symposium, Ball State University.**
September 1979
Speaker, "A Review of Studies in Thomas More since 1945," Villanova Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Studies.**
May 1979
"Thomas More: Saint and Self." Medieval Studies Congress.**
Speaker, "Simultaneous Vision in the Humanist Works of Thomas More: The Utopia and the History of Richard III," Southeastern Renaissance Conference.**
February 1978
Speaker, "Thomas More's Feminism: To Reform or Re-form." Thomas More College Quincentennial Conference.**
December 1977
Speaker, "Masquerade and Protection: The Family in the Novels of Joyce Carol Oates and Philip Roth," Conference of the Modern Language Association.**
December 1977
Panelist, "Recent Studies in Thomas More," Conference of the Modern Language Association.
October 1977
Speaker, "Thy Grace to set the World at Nought: The Mystical Element in the Works of Thomas More," British Studies Symposium of the Carolinas.**
March 1977
Speaker, "The Structure of Thomas More's Dialogue of Comfort," Shakespeare and Renaissance Association of West Virginia.**
November 1975
Moderator, "Women's Rights and Human Rights in the South," Community Bicentennial Program.
November 1977
Speaker, "Feminism in the South," Alabama Conference, National Organization for Women.
September 1975
Panelist, "Power and the City Council Form of Government," National Endowment for the Humanities Community Program.

** Refereed papers