Events & Appearances
Select Past Engagements
- December 12, 2019
- A reading and book signing on the occasion of the re-publication of Sweet Mystery, at Read Herring Books in Montgomery, Alabama.
- March 17, 2001
- Panelist: Clarence Cason Writing Award Symposium on "The Art of Narrative," College of Communication, University of Alabama. My subject: "Personal Narrative in Journalism."
- November 11, 2000
- Southern Historical Association Conference, Panelist at Plenary Session on History and Memory.
- April 27, 2000
- Speaker: A Consortium of Editors of Professional Journals sponsored by the National Institutes of Mental Health.
- November 15, 1990
- Speaker, "Freelance writing and the Liberal Arts Major," Randolph Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, Virginia.
- March 20, 1990
- Speaker, "Writing Imaginative Nonfiction," writer-in-residence, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Amherst, Virginia.
- October 24, 1989
- Speaker, reading "Homecoming" chapter from work in progress, Sweet Mystery, plus discussion of "Telling History for a General Audience," writer-in-residence, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Amherst, Virginia.
- August 3, 1987
- Panelist and Moderator, "Teaching Writing as Coaching not Fixing," Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), principle speaker, Roy Peter Clark, associate director of the Poynter Institute.
- August 3, 1987
- Speaker and Panelist, "Walter Who?: Journalism Students and the Importance of Context," AEJMC.
- 1986/1987
- Five-city book tour publicizing Be Somebody, the biography of Marguerite Rawalt, November and March, 1987; numerous talks concerning the history of the women's political movement made to women's organizations in the Washington area during 1986-87, among them the Washington Women's Political Forum (December), Federal Bar Association and Women's Bar of D. C. (May) D. C. Business and Professional Women's Organization (March), Washington Zonta Club.
- Summer 1987
- Visiting Lecturer Auburn University at Montgomery
- September 12, 1986
- Speaker and Panelist, "The Rhetoric of the Women's Pages," Conference on Culture and Communication, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.**
- September 5, 1986
- Speaker and Panelist, "The Politics of the Women's Pages," American Association of Journalism Historians, St.Louis.**
- May 26, 1983
- Speaker and Panelist, "Men and Abortion," Forum sponsored by the Free Men of Washington.
- November 1980
- Speaker, "Shifting Modes and Plural Vision: The Modernity of Thomas More's History of King Richard III," Early Studies Symposium, Ball State University.**
- September 1979
- Speaker, "A Review of Studies in Thomas More since 1945," Villanova Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Studies.**
- May 1979
- "Thomas More: Saint and Self." Medieval Studies Congress.**
- 1979
- Speaker, "Simultaneous Vision in the Humanist Works of Thomas More: The Utopia and the History of Richard III," Southeastern Renaissance Conference.**
- February 1978
- Speaker, "Thomas More's Feminism: To Reform or Re-form." Thomas More College Quincentennial Conference.**
- December 1977
- Speaker, "Masquerade and Protection: The Family in the Novels of Joyce Carol Oates and Philip Roth," Conference of the Modern Language Association.**
- December 1977
- Panelist, "Recent Studies in Thomas More," Conference of the Modern Language Association.
- October 1977
- Speaker, "Thy Grace to set the World at Nought: The Mystical Element in the Works of Thomas More," British Studies Symposium of the Carolinas.**
- March 1977
- Speaker, "The Structure of Thomas More's Dialogue of Comfort," Shakespeare and Renaissance Association of West Virginia.**
- November 1975
- Moderator, "Women's Rights and Human Rights in the South," Community Bicentennial Program.
- November 1977
- Speaker, "Feminism in the South," Alabama Conference, National Organization for Women.
- September 1975
- Panelist, "Power and the City Council Form of Government," National Endowment for the Humanities Community Program.
** Refereed papers